How to prescribe surveys to the patients

survey prescribe survey

This article will show you how to prescribe surveys to your patients. 

1. Please go to Home Page >> My Patients 

2. Select the patient in your patient list

3. Find the "Surveys/Materials" tab in patient's dashboard >> Click on the "Prescribe Surveys" button

4. BlueJayENGAGE provides the following survey templates: Patient Satisfaction Survey, Homecare Effectiveness Assessment, InTake Form, and Patient Report Outcome Survey. Select the survey from your survey list >> Click on the "Next" button.

5. Enter the name of your survey, define the time range and frequency >> Click "Prescribe Survey" 

Your patient will receive an email with the survey link.

If you would like to add your own surveys to the survey list, or customize the survey questions, please read the article -"Upload Survey and Get Quote"

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