Getting Started with BlueJay SNF - Regional Admin

Before you start using BlueJay, please make sure your system meets our requirements.

The "Manage Region & SNF" feature allows the regional admins to keep a track of skilled nursing facilities alongside the list of providers.

1. To add a SNF, select the "SNF" tab, click on the "Add SNF" button.  

Enter this facility's information, click the "Save" button to add this SNF to the system.

2. To add a provider, click on the "Providers" tab > click the " Add Provider" button 

Fill in all the required fields (with red star). If this provider works in a skilled nursing facility, please select the checkbox - "Onsite in the SNF" for him/her.

Select the "User Type" and "Speciality" accordingly, then click the " Add to Subscription".

If you want to update the profile of an existing provider, such as name, email, cell phone number, etc. The first step is to locate this provider in the system, then click on the "Edit" button to start editing. Once you finished, tap on "Save" to save the changes. 

Having providers work for different locations? Click on the "Assign SNF" button under the "Action", and select all the locations that apply.

3. To add a patient, navigate to "Manage Region & SNF > Patients", then tap on "Add Patient".

If you want to update an existing patient's information. Click on the pencil icon to start editing.

You can make changes or discharge the patient from this page.

4. To book an appointment for another therapist in your region. Go to Telehealth > Schedule. Choose an available provider from the dropdown menu at the top. Under the "Event Type", select the option- "Video Conference". 

Select the facility, facility manager, and patient accordingly. Enter the appointment date, time, and duration. Click the "Save" button when you finished.

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