How to send education material to the patient

education material prescribe education material

This article will show you how to send educational materials to your patients. All your educational materials are saved under the clinic library. Please read this article to learn -"How to add education material to the clinic library".

1. Please go to BlueJayENGAGE home page >> My Patients >> Select the patient in your patient list 

2. Click on the patient's name to access patient's dashboard

3. Find the tab- "Surveys/Materials" >> Click on the "Prescribe Materials" button

4. Select the documents that you would like to send to your patient from your clinic library >> Click "Add Material to Queue" >> Click on the "Next" button 

5. Enter the name >> Define the time range and frequency for the patient >> once you completed editing, click on " Prescribe Material"

Your patient will soon receive an email with the link of the educational materials that you sent to him/her.

Please contact us at if you have any questions.

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