Getting Started with BlueJay SNF - Organizational Admin

Before you start using BlueJay, please make sure your system meets our requirements.

In this release - BlueJayENGAGE 7.9, we developed features to manage providers and patients for TeleRehab in SNFs and similar rehab facilities.  

This article aims to help the organizational admins to set up the provider database and the patient database. The following chart is a recommended workflow from the BlueJay team:

                                                                      Entity-Relationship Data Model

1. Set up your Region & SNF database

1.1 To add regions, simply go to "Manage Region & SNF" > find the tab - "Region" > click the "Add Region" button to add a new region.  

If you want to edit an existing region, find this region from the list, tap on the pencil icon to start editing. Once you finished, click on the "Save" button to save the changes.

As the organizational admin, you can access the Provider/SNF database in any region. 

1.2 You will be able to create a list of SNFs in any region. Go to the "SNF" tab, select a region from the download


2. To add a provider, navigate to the "Providers" tab > select a region from the dropdown menu, then click on the "Add Provider" button

2.1 To create a Program Manager/Facilitator account 

Fill in all the required fields (with red star). Please make sure to select the check box "Onsite in the SNF". 

2.2 To create a regular Therapist Account

Enter this therapist's information, includes First Name, Last Name, Email, User Type, and Speciality.

If you want to update the profile of an existing provider, such as name, email, cell phone number, etc. 

The first step is to locate this provider in the system, then click on the "Edit" button to start editing. Once you finished, tap on "Save" to save the changes. 

2.3 Assign one healthcare provider to multiple locations/sites

Having healthcare providers work for different locations?

Click on the "Assign SNF" button, select all the facilities that apply. If you do not make any selections, by default, this therapist will be providing service for all the patients in this particular region.

3. Add/Edit/Discharge patients

Select the tab - "Patients", click the "Add Patient" button to add a new patient. If you want to update an existing patient's information, tap on the pencil icon under the "Action" to start editing. You will be able to discharge a patient from this page as well.

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